White Rice Good quality White Rice enrich with benefits from essential carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins. It is easy to cook and selected from the premium source of Thailand.

White Rice

White Rice


Origin White Rice 5%, 15%, 100%

Source Central Thailand


Characteristics Tender and aromatic rice especially the early seasoned rice. It has an economical price and can get harder after cooked and cold hence it is suitable for restaurant use.


Example of our product Mah Boonkrong rice/ MT, TT group

Bag Type

Bag Type Size
Side fold bag 200 g
Vertical nylon bag 450 kg
Vertical vacuum bag 1 - 2 kg
Horizontal vacuum bag 1 - 5 kg
Side seal 5 kg
Sack bag 5 - 50 kg
Big bag 1,000 kg
Others As a request from the customers